Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Why are Pyrimid schemes illegal and can anyone show me a law passed that forebids them?

As I understand it a pyramid scheme is when one person gets the idea that they are going to be fabulously rich and tries to go into a business by them self just to realize that they are going nowhere fast. So one day they come up with an idea that if they can get other people to do the work for them and maybe as incentive give them a fraction of the pot that they stand to earn they can make much more money, right?

Well isn’t that every JOB you’ve ever had? You do all the work for the boss, and at the end of the pay period he gives you a fraction of what you made for him. He didn’t do anything, why does he get the bigger half?

This sounds like a pyramid scheme to me. You have one guy at the top making a killing and doing nothing and everyone fall under him. Further down the ladder (or chain) you go the more people there are and the less you get paid. Isn’t this a pyramid scheme?

So why do so many people claim pyramid schemes are illegal? Where is it written that they are?