Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Why can't I get a Job?

Ok, So i have one reason that someone won't hire me, I dropped out of highschool. What i don't understand is, I know alot of people who don't have a ged and still have a job. I understand how my dropping out and not having a ged can keep me from getting a job but i hate that my past is making someone not wanting to hire me. There are ton's of idiots each and every day getting a darn job before me and it makes me mad because they are screwing around and being irresponsible and not giving a damn. I just want to know how i can prove to these people that im actually responsible enough and show them that ive learned from my past about dropping out. I've never had a job also, because they won't give me a chance. I tell these people all the time to just give me a chance and they won't. I'm going to get my ged in febuary*because thats when they are accepting applications again* but I'd like to have a job now. I don't understand what im doing wrong.